Fiber Monday - Just fabric

A couple of weeks ago I mentioned the huge fabric haul I made at my favorite thrift store. We'll it's now all washed and ironed and put away ready to use. It was a lot of ironing. This is because nearly all of it was 60 inches wide and no less than a yard and a half in length, though much was far longer than that.

Here it is right before I put it all away. ("Put it away" sounds so much nicer than crammed it in the small space available, doesn't it?)

You can see how thick some of it is. It's a lot of fabric. And I realized when I was going through receipts last week that I only paid $7.50 for all of it. It was definitely worth all the ironing. 

I'm also realizing why I never finish Christmas projects aside from the fact I only like to work on them in December. It's because December is just so busy. I'm not sure what exactly I've been doing since Thanksgiving, but by the time evenings roll around, I have no energy to think about anything. Usually all I can do is read and sometimes not even that. Your would think this would be blatantly obvious, but it felt freeing to acknowledge that I just don't have a lot of time for extras during this season. 

I am going to finish this embroidered towel this year, though. Really. I've made a little progress and am nearly done with the evergreen branches. Since these go pretty fast, it shows how little I've worked on it. Once I get to the berries the end will be in sight. I'm also pretty excited about switching to a color that isn't a shade of green.


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