Grasping at straws

I honestly have no idea what to write this evening. Life just isn't that eventful at the moment. Note that I am not complaining about this, but a calm and peaceful existence doesn't make for varied blog fodder. And I don't really have any books I want to write about because I'm on a light and fluffy kick at the moment (no doubt in direct correlation to disturbing current events) and pretty much have only read Mrs. Polifax. 

At dinner this evening, L. mentioned as an aside (I think it was L.) that authors should put more twins in their books. J. then commented that Shakespeare had quite a few sets of twins in his plays. And therein lies the very tenuous connection to the what I'm going to share. This is an old post, but I think it should be resurrected and be appreciated again. 

Before I give you the link, you need to know the back story. There was a basement bathroom in the Big Ugly House. Due to the large number of very mature trees in the backyard, we would routinely need to have the sewer lines rodded out because the roots would grow into them. Our first indication that it was time to do this job again was the bathroom toilet backing up. (Until we had it removed and capped, that is. Then the sewer lines backed up into the bathtub which while not enjoyable, was far preferable to it backing up all over the floor and into the laundry area. I wrote the post I'm going to share after a particularly dire such event. 


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