Fiber Monday - Steep learning curve

I was so excited to be given a regular sized inkle loom because it would allow me to do bigger tablet woven bands. I nearly immediately put on a warp. At first things seemed to be going alright, but while the pattern looked interesting, it wasn't what I was expecting. The name of the draft is Dublin Dragons, but it took some real imagination to find any sort of dragon in the band.

And then I realized that some sections were curling in on themselves, which I definitely didn't want. 

I thought about this a lot, and decided that maybe my tension on the warp was too tight. That seemed as though it would help the curling, but I wasn't convinced it would make dragons appear. So I loosened the warp tension a pretty significant degree. 

I'm happy to report that it did indeed fix the curling. I learned I need to be very careful because this pattern will curl if the warp is tensioned the least bit too tight. I was happy to figure out what was going wrong. But something else happened when I loosened the warp tension... Dragons!

The other thing I've done this week, that I can show you, that is, was to figure out a scarf weaving project using the same yarn that I am going to make B. and HC's blanket out of. Never having woven with this particular yarn, I want to be doubly sure that I have everything planned correctly. This will allow me to see what the fabric looks like before threading 960 heddles. No one wants to have to redo that for any reason! 

My scarf/sample for the larger project:


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