Random thoughts

  • I have nothing coherent to say, so you're stuck with extreme randomness.
  • I have canned twenty quarts of applesauce in the past two days. This is well over double what I thought I would get. We're pretty much set for the year.
  • Zorro is an excellent rooster. Three times this week he has spotted a coyote and sent his hens running for safety as he stood watch. J. and I have both caught this, alerted to the distinctive danger crow we are now familiar with. As far as we are aware, no hens have been lost, but I'm afraid they will all be on lockdown for a bit while the coyote decides there is nothing to eat around here.
  • Here is my Public Service Announcement for the week. People cannot read your mind. Even someone else loves you cannot read your mind. There is no such thing as "but they should just know". If you can't say what you want out loud, you don't get to be annoyed when your loved one doesn't know. (This is just in general, we're good here, though this was a difficult lesson for H. to learn.)
  • It's been in the 50's at might, but around 80 during the day. I'm not sure how I'm supposed to dress in the morning.
  • I'm finding I just can't listen to the news right now, and have the classical music station on instead. How difficult is it for people just to be kind to one another? Extremely difficult, evidently.
  • Cats who pee on clean sheets and towels do not endear themselves to me. 
  • Poor Kenzie is definitely heading into sundowner territory it seems. Some nights we are up with him multiple times. It's like having an infant again. 
  • I'm not sure how it got to be October. September felt a little non-existent.
  • There is very little I like better than having my barn filled with hay, except maybe my hay guy saying it was a good season and he has plenty of hay to last until next year.
  • We are in a bit of a drought, and no rain had been predicted for the near future, which is why it was surprising to be awoken by the sound of rain. It is also why I had seats to dry off in the van this morning because I had accidentally left the sun roof open. 
  • Speaking of the van, last Monday I was doing my weekly errands and Aldi was my final stop. I pushed the button to open the back so I could put in the groceries, but it didn't open. I fish through my purse, figuring I needed to unlike the door with the key fob. No key. It's one of those keyless entry things and I realized that I forgot to stuck it in my purse before I left. I had a brief moment of panic wondering how I was going to get home. Then reason set in when I remembered I had been driving all around town without the key. I tried the driver's door, which opened. I started the van. All without the key. I was able to get home, but it's a bit disturbing to realize that anyone could start the car and drive away at any time. We only were given one key fob when we bought the van, so J. figured that the second one must be in the van somewhere. We both spent time searching, and J. finally came across the second key. We're thrilled both that we have a second key and to rest assured that we can actually lock the van. 


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