
I actually had to get a light coat out of the coat closet today and decided the breeze coming in the open windows was just a little too brisk for comfort. It looks as though we'll actually have autumn weather... at least for a few days. This also makes me remember all those things I was going to do before winter, such as sorting out my winter coat issues. 

The main issue being that I don't actually have one. I haven't actually had a real winter coat since three winters ago when my good LLBean winter coat's zipper stopped working. The next winter I made due with a heavy duty lined hooded sweatshirt with a wind proof vest over it. This worked surprisingly well, but at the end of the season that zipper broke as well. (That actually wasn't too much of a surprise given that it used to be W.'s, who wore it for years before I started using it.) Last winter I sort of made due with a too big fleece and that same vest. I was never quite fond of that combination, but it was a mild winter, so I survived. 

I'm tired of cobbling together winter gear and should really do something about it now, but I'm dithering a bit. Do I get the zipper replaced on my actual winter coat? It will probably be around $40 to do that. Or, do I bite the bullet and buy myself a Carhartt winter coat? That would be much more than the zipper, but it would also be more appropriate for when I'll be using it. At the rate I'm making up my mind, I'll be going through another winter yet again without a real coat 

Either way, I am going to get the zipper replaced on the lined sweatshirt because it is actually really good for temperatures above freezing. 


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