Sheep and Wool Festival

This weekend is the Wisconsin Sheep and Wool Festival and today was the day I could make it up to it. So G. and I loaded up early to get enough time there. We wandered around and looked at many things. I bought the gift I needed to as well as some antique buttons that match L.'s best perfectly. What I did not buy, and I know this will surprise some of you, was any raw fleece. 

At least not on the hoof.

Because by loading up to leave, I meant it was quite a process and involved some borrowed dog crates, and a tarp, and some old towels... See?

Which turned into...

Yes, those crates are each filled with a sheep. Shetland sheep to be precise. They are all ~5 month old wethers (neutered male sheep; wether = gelding). Meet Clark:

And Fred:

And Everett:

The ride home was uneventful (except when I realized the low fuel light was on and I had no idea how for long... I was able to find a gas station with 0.9 gallons left in the tank) and we made it home. 

Which was then sheep handling 101 as I figured out how to get them out of the crates. Let's just say none of us... me or sheep... we're overly graceful. The sheep turn got their first lesson in walking with a lead role and halter. I don't think they're fans yet.

Now, during this time, W. came over to help J. make a sheep enclosure. (Yes, I drove off to Wisconsin without an enclosure to put them in when I got home. It's been a busy few weeks.) There was a plan, though. J. would move the round pen to the unused garden space, line it with wire so the sheepies couldn't get out, then move the horse trailer to act as a shelter. He was just finishing up when we got home.

The sheep got a little time in it this afternoon.

They haven't been on pasture, so we need to introduce them to it slowly. When not on grass and at night, they'll be closed in the horse trailer. They're not very big, so there's plenty of room. 

This was probably not the post you were expecting, huh?


jan ranger said…
i love it!!!!!! congrats to the new boys!!!! baaaaa!!!!

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