Fiber Monday - Actually something to show
I spent a good chunk of the weekend sewing and was actually able to finish the jacket to my dress.
That's not a pleat in the center back seam, it just needs to be pressed a bit better.
For those who are geeky about seeing details. This is Burda 8949. If you look at the pattern cover, you may be a bit confused because my jacket doesn't look like the photograph. It's all because of figuring how to get the jacket cut out of pretty narrow fabric.
The obvious difference is that there is no yoke in the original pattern. I needed to make one because the width of my fabric was pretty much the same length as from the bottom of the jacket to the yoke. There isn't even a hem since I used the selvedge edge for the bottom of the jacket and sleeves. If I hadn't minded the striping of the fabric going horizontally around my body, it probably would have been easier overall. But I most definitely didn't want horizontal stripes. I'm pretty pleased with how I was able to match the gradient colors of the hand spun weft so that it didn't feel choppy. The back of one of the sleeves doesn't quite flow, but I was running out of fabric and thus running out of options. I'm probably the only one who would notice. The pattern is also supposed to have buttons and buttonholes, but I've decided that I like it without them. Plus, Ãt easier and I'm tired.
I've watched a lot of YouTube videos over the past couple of weeks, including many sewing channels. Am I the only one who isn't as amused by the attitude of, "I have no idea what I'm doing, it will probably turn out horrendously, but I can't be bothered to actually learn the skill, oh well, aren't I funny?" I'm all for people trying new things. I'm all for not worrying about perfection and just diving in. It's the whole actually learning the skills that would make it easier that's bothersome. It's been a long and vaguely trying day, so maybe I'm just feeling easily annoyed.
The end is in sight! Four buttonholes, eight buttons, two hems, and a book and eye are left. That feels doable over the next three days, right?