New technology

 I am typing this post on my new computer. Well, new as of last week, but I have finally started to get acquainted with it. My old computer was over ten years old. Since I have no recollection of exactly when I got it, it could very well be significantly older than ten. I don't like to spend money on electronics, nor do I relish the process of figuring out the new computer or phone or whatever. If I could buy one computer and one phone and have it last, I would be very happy. 

But electronics that last are not a thing I'm told. My old computer was running an operating system that was no longer supported and it was starting to run slowly and not always work as it should. There was a very real possibility that one day it would just stop working. And that would be bad. We've actually been talking about getting me a new computer for a couple of years now. Maybe three or four years ago, we backed up everything onto a flash drive just in case. But computers are expensive and as I mentioned I don't like fooling around with new ones, so we continued to just talk about it. Over time, I stopped doing most things on it and resorted to my phone because it was not always easy to use. (This would explain the higher than usual number of typos in my blog posts for the past few years.) J. happened to come across a very good deal on a new computer and decided that it was time.

I was correct that figuring it out was going to be no fun. I have a presentation coming up that I need a PowerPoint for, so I've spent a couple of days this week doing that... and figuring out the computer at the same time. There were moments of unhappiness, both for me and for J., who kept getting frustrated texts from me at work. It was probably good I was forced to use it because I am now feeling a little more comfortable with it. Comfortable enough that I decided to use the computer instead of my phone to write this. There are still a few things I need to figure out, though. I know it will get easier with time. And really, I am thankful for something that works well. What are the odds I can keep this computer going for the next fifteen years or so?

And that presentation? 

I'm going to be doing a presentation on Equine Assisted Learning at Fox Valley Presbyterian Church this Sunday, August 4 at 9:00 am, for anyone who is interested. All are welcome. 


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