Miracle of miracles

Over the past week, J. has been trying to figure out what is going on with the air conditioning to see if he could fix it. He'd talked to some helpful people and yesterday, with the P. Family dad on the phone he did some more investigating. 

With the purchase of one $16 dollar tool and a $20 dollar part, he was ready to turn the power to see if the new part did the trick. So I stood in the utility room next to to breaker box and J. climbed up on the porch roof. Communicating by phone, I flipped the circuit breaker and...

The unit started running!

The next step was to head upstairs to see if there was cold air coming through. Initially it didn't seem like it and there was disappointment. But in a little bit we started to feel some cold air and by bed time the upstairs was starting to feel cooler than downstairs. Hooray!

Now, this is the unit that cools the second floor. Figuring out what is going on with the downstairs unit feels too complicated because our hearing and cooling system is more than a little odd. And the whole system is old. All this has done is to buy us some more time. But I'm okay with that because it is so nice to be able to actually cool off when it is hot outside. 


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