Biting off more than I can chew?

This is the question I have asked myself multiple times over the past week or so. I have a vague sense of dread that I have well and truly over committed myself. Here's my list:
  • The Dress for B.'s wedding. I'm to the making the practice dress stage of the proceedings, but there is still the actual dress to construct.
  • Other items for B.'s wedding. I have promised L. a vest like I made G. That should go pretty quickly at least. Ideally, I also make H. a dress. She is not a typical size, so making her a dress actually seems easier than going shopping to find something that will fit well.
  • My action research project for the post-grad Level 7 certificate on sibling rivalry is entering the time consuming state. I have all my clients, though I need to confirm session dates with a couple still. But, the first client comes on Thursday which means there is a lot of work to do creating forms and evaluation tools that needs to happen between now that then. This is probably the most pressing item which is taking up most of my brain space.
  • I have decided to also begin a trial Pony-Phonics reading program as well. Yes, it could have waited. But historically, if I have something I absolutely need to do, I will also add in something that is absolutely not required. It's why auditing or taking classes pass/fail in college and grad school was something I couldn't stop myself from doing and on which I spent far too much time. I can't just focus intently on one thing.
  • I'm realizing that many people in my family also need decent clothes for the wedding, so I'm afraid I am going to have to do some shopping whether I like it or not. I used to be a little compulsive about being sure that all my children had at least one good dress outfit in their closet. Evidently this is not a big priority for me anymore.
Those are the big things. It seems enough. More than enough. If I can get all the tools made for the research project, that will go a long way towards my sanity. But if someone knows how to hit a pause button on time moving forward, I could use with an extra week or two added in somewhere before Thursday.


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