Starting to think about school

Usually about this time in the summer I'm writing vaguely whiney, anxious posts about needing to plan for the next school year and wondering if I have time to get everything done. Not this year.

I have moved into unfamiliar homeschooling territory with just sophomores on up doing school. It's not that I'm not familiar with homeschooling high school, but that I'm unfamiliar with homeschooling only high school. So we're trying something new this year.

It is definitely time to start giving the responsibility for education over to my high schoolers. I find that by doing this in high school, when I'm there and can offer support, then when they head to college being in charge of themselves is little different. 

I presented my new plan at dinner tonight and told everyone to start thinking about what they would be interested in learning this year. Then we could sort things out through August and be ready for school in September. Everyone was pretty amenable to the idea. 

Right off the bat, here are some subjects that various people are interested in: cultural anthropology, geology, stand-up comedy, learning to create working steam powered creations, the history of the US during the years that the video game, Red Dead Redemption is set, the history of the creation of the USSR, and psychology. You know, something light to get started with. 

And I feel as though I have been given the free gift of a month because I won't be spending every waking moment planning our school year. Instead, I'll be working on The Dress. 


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