Good friends

Last week I had dinner with a couple of very good friends at one of their homes. It was a lovely evening of good food and good conversation. Today, another friend offered her house for me to dry the fabric I wove (fabric that comes off a loom all needs to be wet finished before it is completed) because we have cats here who are a bit too entranced by yarn and textiles. Plus, she has air conditioning which means it stood a chance of actually drying. I got home from dropping that off, and then got everyone in the car to enjoy a friend's house pool. 

After teatime, I received a text saying the fabric was mostly dry and did I want to come iron it at her house. I thought for a moment... Iron at my house where it's a bit warm and I would need to vacuum the floor before I ironed yards of fabric or iron at her air-conditioned house with a pet free sewing are. Guess which I chose. No vacuuming was needed. 

Driving home from my friend's house where I had ironed fabric, I was struck with how different living in a place for seven years is compared with living there for just a few months. I also thought about how much I longed for the connections I have now in the early days of our move out here and my trying so hard to make that happen. It's probably just as well that I didn't know at the time how long it would take. It would have felt so discouraging. But I do wish I could go back and whisper in my ear that all would be well. 


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