Fiber Monday - So much weaving

I did a lot of weaving this past week between the class I took and... finishing weaving the fabric for The Dress. Look!

For the dress

For the jacket

And here is a video of it coming off the loom. It's a lot of fabric. Step 1 complete... and it's still July, at least for a little bit.

On to the classes I took. It was on learning to weave crackle weave and we wove samplers of the various ways it can be woven. This is the whole thing. 

And some close ups so you can get a better view.

It's all done on the same warp and if you look closely you'll see the pattern is the same but the color and how the weft interacted with the pattern changes. 

I also finished the band I was tablet weaving.

And because this is something I have brain space to do at night, I put another warp on my inkle loom.

This is some odd silk yarn I picked up on sale. I'm not entirely sure about it, so it feels a bit like an experiment. Here is what the band looks like. 

Looking at all this, I'm realizing why I needed to spend most of the day doing laundry, because it sure didn't happen last week!


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