Fiber Monday - Remembering how to sew

I haven't really seen any garments in a couple of years, being distracted by other fiber activities. But there's this wedding coming up, and The Dress, and the fact I have other children to clothe. We don't dress up much these days, so having everyone dressed appropriately is going to take some work. G. and L. have both requested nice vests, preferably ones that fit. A vest seemed like a good way to brush off my sewing skills. Since I had fabric in my stash that G. liked, I started with that one. I think it came out pretty well, and it fits very well. 

Here is the front. This is made with Simplicity 8023. (Ignore the weird shadows from my poor picture taking skills.) It is fully completed except for buttons and buttonholes.

I was not thrilled with either the drafting or the directions. I wouldn't recommend this pattern to a new sewist. I added the top stitching because the way they had you interface it made it impossible for the seams to lie flat. The top stitching neatened everything up. 

Here is the back. I still need to find a belt clip thing for the ties at the back. When I make this again, I'll top stitch these as well before adding them to the vest.

As you can see, it is fully lined, though once again, I changed the construction a bit and ended up doing a lot of hand work on the inside. Here are the buttons that will go on it. 

Everything except the interfacing came from my stash, so it cost very little to make. I love that. 

One piece of clothing (nearly) done. 

The other this I have to share is some pictures from the weaving class I'm taking this week. It is about the weave structure called crackle, and while I'm understanding it, it is requiring a lot of concentration. I'm tired!

Finally, this coming Sunday is my next fiber workshop. If you want to come do fiber activities with others let me know. This week I'm going to get out all my cards and combs and teach people how to take a clean fleece and get it ready for spinning. There will also be time to learn to spin or have me help with other projects you are working on. 


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