Discretion is the better part of valor

It's been kind of a crummy afternoon and I am in a very tetchy mood. I've learned I shouldn't write in this state because I run a very high risk of being offensive. So I'll spare you my highly opinionated post about why I think neuropsych testing feels a bit like a scam. It would only serve to upset everyone. I'll stick with something safe instead. I'll give you all a minute to go put your popcorn away. 

Ready for non-inflammatory content now? 

I realized yesterday that I forgot to post a few of the other projects I had started this past week. The lost seemed short when I wrote it and then I figure out why. I'll briefly share the missing projects.

First up is that I have a new card weaving project on the inkle loom.

Next, I cut out a vest pattern for G. I'm going to use this to resurrect my sewing skills before tackling The Dress.

I spun some polworth fleece from the collection of samples I bought to do a breed study. I'd spun polworth before so I knew I would enjoy working with it.

Then finally, for your amusement though not mine, how I have to leave the loom when I am done weaving. Because cats... 


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