Some days...

We don't go out to eat or order in food all that often. I dislike paying half (or more) of my usual grocery total for one meal. But there are some days.. 

Days when some people have had a hard afternoon. Days where the house is hot and turning on the stove does not sound like fun. Days when J. won't be home for dinner. Days when you realize that because of the previous car situation some people haven't left the house all that much. Days when the grumpy quotient is rapidly rising. 

On those days it's either slog your way through until bedtime or do something to change your trajectory. So I announced that we were going out to eat, loaded everyone up, and headed for Portillo's. We enjoyed the air conditioning in both the car and restaurant and just about everyone chose a chicken sandwich which is this crew's comfort food. Life was looking a little rosier for everyone by the end of our outing. Plus, thể house was cooler since the sun was lower in the horizon by the time we got home.

Sometimes you just have to thumb your nose at the budget and splurge on a treat. 


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