Fiber Monday - Enough warp?

Last week with my very empty calendar and only two children at home, I planned to get a lot done towards actually getting the fabric woven for the dress I want to make. So on Monday, I happily started to measure out the warp I need. I wound the first warp chain and started to panic that I wasn't going to have enough yarn. Since the yarn was a thrift store purchase of unknown provenance, it wasn't as though I could just get more. I decided to leave pause for a bit so my brain could stop panicking. 

On Tuesday I decided that it wasn't doing me any good to make contingency plans if I wasn't going to need them. The best course of action was to measure out the next chain. This would be close enough to half that I would have a better sense of how the yarn was holding out. This was a very use choice as I happily discovered that I was going to have enough. By Friday I had wound all 502 ends of a nine foot long warp. 

In process on the warping board.

Some of the completed warp chains.

The other thing I did was to finish spinning the singles that I will be using for the weft.

The actual color is brighter and the bits showing brown are actually shades of green. 

The next step is to get the warp in the loom and to wash the singles. This week is pretty free as well, but it's hot and the second floor air conditioning doesn't seem to be working, so my motivation for being upstairs even to do weaving things is very small. Instead I sat very still downstairs (where it is cooler) on the couch and read a novel. It wasn't productive, but also didn't cause me to sweat. (If you need a good summer read, I recommend A House Like an Accordion by Audrey Burgess.) 


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