A lot of excitement

I have some very excited people living here right now. This afternoon was the meeting for the Guatamala trip four of them are going on. They will be near Guatamala City and then have a day in Antigua. Our church has a long-standing relationship with another church in a small town near Guatamala City and they will be doing work there (work gloves are on the packing list)as well as meeting people and hearing their stories. The church will be cooking them lunch everyday. For my adventurous eaters, the anticipation of authentic Guatamalan food is very high. What I appreciate most about our church and the adults leading this trip their focus that this is a chance to learn about a culture they are not familiar with. They are going to meet people and hear their stories, not as some do-good trip where the well off people descend to do something nice for those seen as less than, but as fellow human beings. 

Next Sunday morning they need to be at the airport at 6am. We have started our to-do list of supplies they need and other tasks that need to be done fir them to be ready. For G. and L., this will be both their first time on an airplane as well as their first time out of the US. I see it being a rather frenetic week as we navigate to-do lists, excitement, and parental lessons in safely traveling abroad. 


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