Weekly update - May 17, 2024

It's been a busy week mainly because I was in a weaving class all day Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Trying to squeeze all my usual stuff into just two days was challenging and not terribly successful. I'll show what I wove on Monday after I get it hemmed and washed. 

The people here had a very relaxing week. All they had to do was some math, keep R. fed and occupied, and to go out and feed the ponies every so often. I don't think they were terribly sad about any of this. 

Since I don't have much else to talk about, I'll give a brief pony update. 

Vienna is so much improved!! She is moving nearly normally and isn't standing in the funny, unbalanced way that she was. She is off all pain killers and the abscesses seem to be gone. More and more she is acting like the Vienna we were used to before the laminitis. 

Buddy is beginning to settle in. He now nickers with everyone else when he hears me walk in the barn and seems to understand a typical daily schedule. While I wouldn't call he and Vienna best friends yet, they seem to be more aware of each other. I even caught them eating in synchrony, as the big horses do, the other day. And, when I took Buddy out into the aisle yesterday without Vienna, she seemed a little upset and disturbed. It takes a while to integrate a new horse into a new life, but things seem to be progressing positively. 

Yesterday some children decided that Buddy needed some hair styling. 

I'm not sure how long the braids will stay in. I might grow tired of the hair style and take them out. 


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