Random comments

While I no longer have cute little toddlers anymore to provide blog fodder for slow blogging days, I do still have L. who is often good for the random comment at dinner that makes me laugh both because of its sheer randomness and for its precocious language. 

The other evening at dinner, during a conversational lull, L. announces," I think the most under-appreciated cardinal direction is East." She then proceeds to expound upon the topic of appreciated and unappreciated directions. If you're curious, L. believes the direction of North to be highly overrated. 

L. is not the only one to spout random comments. G. has been spending a lot of time recently learning about Tasmania. We are guaranteed at least one random Tasmania fact at dinner each night. 

Sometimes I worry that dinner doesn't have a conversational thread and is more an exercise in stream of consciousness monologues. 


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