Fiber Monday - A day late, because...

Accidents happen and I needed a moment. Or two. Maybe three. 

Last week I took a three day weaving class on turned twill. I loved it! The teacher is fantastic and I feel as though I have a really good handle on the weave structure. I can't wait to get the rest of the shafts on my loom working so I can play around with it. (Turned twill needs a minimum of eight shafts and currently I just have six shafts functioning.) I chose to make a gamp which is a sort of sampler that shows the different patterns the various combinations of threading and treadlings create. They are a great reference tool when you are thinking about what you want to weave. 

Yesterday I threw it in the wash after I hemmed it. When I moved the wet laundry from the washer to the dryer, I discovered an ink pen in the bottom of the washer. (It must have gotten caught up in the dirty laundry.) The cap was on and I created a sigh of relief that nothing horrible had happened to the laundry. The laundry with my weaving in it I'll remind you. 

You can already see what's coming, can't you? I couldn't at the time. After dinner I went to fold the laundry. This was when I realized while everything in the load was fine, two things were not. A pair of my jeans and... the weaving. 

I pretty much threw it in a corner and felt sorry for myself the rest of the evening. It wasn't a pretty sight, me or the weaving. But a good night's sleep is restorative. While I am disappointed, I can see things a bit more clearly. It can still be used for its reference function and really the ink is on a rather small area. I'll hang it in the loft along with my other games. 

I'll even show it to you. One end:

And the other end:

And the whole thing, ink stains included.

It could actually have been much, much worse.

There was a bit of warp left when I was done with the gamp, so made a small... something. It's much too short to be a dish towel, so I will probably use it in the center of the dinner table. 


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