Dinner from found food

Some weeks I find it easy to do the weekly meal plan, and some weeks, such as this one, there doesn't seem to be anything I want to eat. 

While I was weeding a flower garden on Sunday, I came across quite a few wild onions. (Yes, they were indeed wild onions and not death camas, and I have the 45 minutes of Googling to prove it.) So I washed off the mud and stuck them in the refrigerator. As I was not coming up with any meals, I thought about the wild onions and put something vague about wild onions and eggs on the menu.

Over the next couple of days, this went from a vague idea to an actual plan. I had some extra asparagus and bell pepper that needed to be eaten and there was arugula and spinach growing in the garden, so those were added to the onions. Then, I realized that we have a huge stand of stinging nettle over by the creek. (Did you know stinging nettle is really good for you?) So I sent L. out to do some collecting.

L. is well versed in stinging nettle, because a few years ago, during her survivalist phase, she spent a lot of time making string with stinging nettle. (You can also spin stinging nettle, but it's not Monday, so I'll spare you the details.) Anyway, she was more than happy to keep it for me. 

The vague egg part turned into a frittata, which had the added benefit of using up 18 eggs. (Anything that uses that many eggs is a win in my book. Anyone want to buy some eggs?) It turned into an actual meal, none of which I had to purposefully buy at the grocery store. (I don't really count the asparagus and pepper because they were bought for something else and would have gone bad, otherwis.) I love that.

And because I know someone will ask. SautÄ— the vegetables first, remove them from the pan, add the scrambled eggs into the frying pan so they can set a little bit. Then sprinkle the vegetables evenly over the egg and put it in the oven ( ~350°) until the eggs are your preferred level of cooked. We added cheese on top of some of it for those who appreciate cheese. 


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