Operation Pony Companion

Vienna continues to improve, though she could use a few more pounds on her frame which seems an odd sort of concern for a pony. Usually concern about a pony's weight goes the other way. But she is lonely, especially when the big horses are in the far pasture. She calls for them quite a bit. Getting her a small friend who can live in the dry lot with her had been the plan. 

As I was discussing this with our farrier, she said she might know of a pony who would work and asked if she could pass along my name. A few days later I received a text about a pony and the next day J. and I went out to meet him. He seemed like a sweet guy who would be a good match both for Vienna and for being added to my EAL work. The only hitch in the plans was a place for the pony to live. 

This is why J., my ever supportive husband spent two weekends rebuilding stalls. He extended Vienna's stall and then had to remove a wall to make one large one. It was a kind of a big project. J. is now very good at using pallets to build stalls. 

The new extended stall

And from the inside

This afternoon I had to spend a bit of time sewing.

This is a door guard that Java had ripped a while back. I repaired it because we need to have a way to divide the stall to give each pony some space as they get to know each other. 

Then tomorrow morning my wonderful next door neighbor and friend is hauling her trailer and we will pick up the pony. Why aren't we just hauling our own trailer? If only it were that simple. Remember when Y. and I were t-boned last summer in the good car? Well it was also the car that had the correct electric system that we had installed so it could pull the trailer. None of our current vehicles has the correct system and getting one installed has not been in the budget. 

If all goes according to plan, I will be able to introduce you to our newest family member tomorrow. 


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