I'm not actually sure what this is about

I'm slowly working up to writing out my thoughts regarding the whole 'Trad wife' thing. Which is a term I hadn't even heard of until the whole Republican response to the State of the Union address. (You would think my family wouldn't underestimate my ability to be clueless about popular culture, but this particular ommission baffled even them. What can I say, it's kind of my super power.) But I'm still bashing the all out in both my own head and in numerous conversations with J., so it will be a while before I have something coherent to say. 

So why do I even mention it? Because I wanted to share an old post with you and because it does mention homemaking, I'm starting to feel as though the Traf wife concept is a bit of the elephant in the room. I have written a lot about homemaking over the years, but I would never see myself falling into the Trad wife pigeonhole. 

But the post... Sometimes I will look to see what posts people are reading here and use that opportunity to see if it is a post that needs a disclaimer. The trouble with having completely changed how I view the world in so many ways means that often I find old posts more than a little cringy. And if they deal with parenting I feel obligated to tell readers not to listen to me because I was clueless. I think that's why this post stood out; I didn't feel the need to disown it. And because there are thousands of posts on this blog, sometimes something of value can be overlooked. 

Head over and take a look at Inefficiency, a post that is thirteen years old and one that doesn't make me want to curl up into an agonized ball. 


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