Fiber Monday - one little accomplishment

I have been spending a lot of time in the barn and various clients, the past few weeks. This is not a bad thing; it's actually very, very good, but it means my time I have available to do fiber things is significantly less. But I was able to finish the first four ounce braid I was spinning. It pretty much filled a rather large bobbin. 

I now need to spin the second four ounce braid. What I really need to do, though, is measure a small warp so I can weave some samples of the fabric this is supposed to become. Maybe next weekend I can get to that. 

You can tell not much time has been spent in my studio just by how disorganized the table looks.

This then becomes another reason that I haven't been in my studio much. I just don't like the mess. I suppose if I were smart, I would just get things put away so I could actually work. I bet if the table was clear I would be more motivated to work on that warp. 

Finally, because there wasn't much here, I wanted to share the latest thing that L. said which made me have to pause and just laugh. This happens fairly frequently and L. has such a deadpan delivery that it takes a moment for my brain to sort all the words out. Tonight's gem was when she asked me, "Will we be needing knives to spread the dairy product on our glutinous thing?" Life is not dull. 


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