Fiber Monday - Finally something

I have started, at long last, to weave the sample for the possible fabric I want to make. Here's what I have so far.

In some ways it is close to how I was envisioning it would look, in other ways not so much. I have a bad feeling that I have made the sett too big. The sett is how many ends of thread per inch there are. Too big and you end up with more weft than warp and it can be too loose. Too small and you can end up with a stiff fabric. This is definitely falling on the too loose side. This was done with singles of handwoven. It was my first choice because I would get the most yards out of it. 

Next I'm going to try weaving with a two-ply.

It may be a better match for the current sett. I wasn't sure how I would like the colors plied together, but it works. I would just get half as many yards if this is the better choice.

Then I guess I'm going to have to resley the loom to a tighter sett to try the singles one more time. I'm not looking forward to that, but it is a narrow warp, so shouldn't take too much time. 

Next I want to show off some things Y., G., and L. have done. Tomorrow night is the final program for our co-op's school year and every class has a presentation either as a display or as a performance. My classes will all be displays. These three took spinning with me this year, L. for the first time and Y. and G. for a second. 

Here is the weaving L. made out of handspun.

Y. and G. did a breed study, spinning 1 ounce samples of twelve different breeds of sheep. This is Y.'s because it was handy, but their notebooks look very similar. Here are a couple of sample pages.

You may see a few finished objects appear in this space over the next few weeks, because I'm starting to feel as though I have too many things in progress and need to move some along. Stay tuned... 


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