Weekly update - March 22, 2024

Look, a regular update post! Life might be getting back to normal. 
  • There was snow today. We didn't get as much as other areas, though. It was just a light dusting which melted away by afternoon. Areas north of us had a lot of snow. This is much more typical March weather, and while it doesn't excite me, it feels less ominous than the weirdly warm weather we had.
  • In our pot luck assortment of chicks which arrived last summer, we ended up with quite a few Easter eggers. This means we can fill an entire carton with blue eggs.

  • For some reason, this makes me insanely happy.
  • And we have a lot of regular white and brown eggs as well. I planned two egg heavy dinners this week, using dozens of eggs, and we still have dozens left. I guess fifteen hens laying an egg a day will do that. 
  • I had planned for everyone to watch a movie about Martin Luther and the Reformation, which they all dutifully sat down to do while I paid bills. But the disk (yes, we still use a DVD player) from the library had a scratch halfway through. No one was disappointed at not being able to finish it. 
  • If we are on the subject of archaic technically, I realized that my (paper) calendar ends in June. I am now having to make lists of dates that I need to keep track of past that. I need to buy another calendar. I've tried using the calendar on my phone, but I am just more efficient with paper, and when my phone dies, I don't lose my entire life. Which has happened, and it wasn't fun. 
  • Most of my seeds have sprouted and have grown enough that tomorrow I need to replace the clear good with the taller ones. 
  • Vienna continues to improve. She now yells at me for meals just like before, and I have seen her make her funny "I get to eat"  face (which involves stretching her lips up and down so all her teeth show) a couple of times. I am so glad that we didn't give up on her.
  • I have to wait another week before I can share our solution to Vienna's loneliness problem. I though it would be tomorrow, but things got pushed back a week. 
  • H. makes the most amazing omelettes for lunch.
  • We have decided not to return to our co-op next year. It has far more younger children than ours and it's time to do something different. This also means that I won't be teaching at it next year. I love teaching fiber related things, so don't really want to give that up, so I have a plan. I think I'm going to try to figure out a way to have a monthly fiber studio day to do individual projects and learn new things. It would be easier to teach that here where I am well supplied. If you would be interested in knowing more, drop me a note and I'll add you to the people I'll send an invite to once I actually figure out what it will look like. 
  • Did I mention that the lady time I had to refill R.'s prescription for the medicine that has been challenging to acquire, that we renewed it and it appeared at the pharmacy without dozens of phonecalls? It felt miraculous. 
  • The squirrels keep knocking over and breaking empty flower pots. Yes, had I put them away last fall, this would have been more difficult for them to do. 
And with that, I realize I am now scraping the bottom of the barrel for things to share. I'll stop here before I start sharing the status of the laundry. 


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