Vocabulary lesson

Who said school had to be serious? Today we were learning about the animal kingdoms of Monera and Protozoa. Among the phyla in the Protozoans is Vorticella. This organism is bell-shaped and had a stalk which connects the Vorticella to a surface. We learned that organisms in this phyla have no locomotion; they are sessile. 

We had come across this word earlier, but I wanted to be sure everyone remembered what it meant, so I clarified. "Sessile means they don't move from one place to another. They stay stuck where they are." Then I added, "Not unlike teenagers on a couch looking at their small electronics." 

And then for good measure, I drew a picture for everyone. 

And because we were learning about Vorticella, I added one attached to the couch along with the teen. 

While no one actually took issue with the idea that teens with small electronics don't move from couches, they did take issue with my drawing, complaining that it wasn't a very good picture. 

I'm okay with that. Because from now on whenever they come across the word sessile, they will have no idea why they are suddenly thinking about couches and Protozoa. It's my little gift to them. 


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