Friday update - March 1, 2024

It's March, but I honestly don't have any idea what season it is anymore. I do know I was wearing all my winter outerwear in the barn this morning.
  • I have a bunch of sick children. There has been a lot of laying about on couches and I pretty much cancelled school. We didn't even make it to our co-op yesterday. I think some are at least showing some improvement. 
  • This means that as well as not knowing what season it is, I'm not really sure of the day, either. Disrupting the usual schedule will do that. 
  • Vienna was up all day yesterday. This is the first time in weeks that this has happened. She lay down for a little bit today, but stood up when she thought I was bringing food. I don't blame her for lying down. The gloomy, cold weather today made me want to go back to bed, too. 
  • Sometimes when we walk by our stuffed hedgehogs we see this. 

There are certain family members who like to take the hedgehogs crocheted hats and put them in the hedgehogs' noses. When another family member complained, it was explained that the offender didn't want the hedgehogs to get sick. 
  • I was able to spend some of my unanticipated free time yesterday finally getting around to writing a critique of the parenting method called The Nurtured Heart that I said I would write for a parenting group. If anyone is interested in reading it, let me know. BĂșt, boy, did I like being able to cross off a long standing to-do list item. 
  • I'm still more than a little obsessed with watching videos about ultra luxury cruises. I'm hoping this abates somewhat when the weather improves. 
  • It's March and I have done nothing about getting any seeds started. I think I will need to spend some time on that this weekend. Last year's garden was such a bust, I'd like to do a better job this year. 
  • Anyone want some totally composted horse manure for their garden? It's free, you just have to come get it. 
  • There just hasn't been much going on here this week. So, for your amusement, I have a picture to share. Our co-op is having an 80's theme day coming up, so the art teacher is collecting people's 80's photos. Now, I'm not sure about two things. 1. I find it difficult to imagine the 80's is now a decade for costumes. And 2. That there are some adults in our co-op who don't have 80's photos because they weren't born yet. Anyway, the photo I shared.

This is from 1982. I was either 16, or just about to turn 16. I was a bridesmaid in a friend's wedding. Appreciate the very large glasses, the Farrah Faucet hair, and the Gunne Sax dress. 


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