Teach your children to bake, episode #4356

This is my public service announcement that it really is worth your while (and dealing with the inevitable mess) to teach your children to cook and to bake. I'm talking from an early age here. Because if you do this, then when you ask your fourteen year old if they are interested in trying a garlic naan recipe for dinner, there is a good chance they will say yes. And then they will figure out the recipe and you can enjoy homemade naan for dinner. 

These were made by G., and this is what was left. They are very, very good and were a fraction of the cost it would have been to buy this much at the store. 


Vienna is still hanging in there. She lays down a lot and just when I think that this may be the end, the next time I go out to check on her, she is standing up and trying to get into places she shouldn't. So I have no idea what we should expect prognosis-wise. I do know it feels a bit exhausting. 


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