Not really a weekly update

There's not really much to write from the week. The week started, I got sick, did nothing for several days, and now I feel better. It's not terribly exciting. We did actually get some schoolwork done today, catching up on the biology we didn't do earlier in the week. 

We were learning about the phylum mollusca. In one of those rare serendipitous moments I realized we were having scallops for dinner. I love it when things connect. 

If you're now curious, the recipe was "Seared lime scallops served over sauteed spinach with candied walnuts" out The Whole Foods Market cookbook I found on the library sale table a while back. It sounds very goofy, doesn't it? 

I get bored with the same dinners, so we'll try one or two new recipes a week on average. H. often asks, "Have we had this before?" I wasn't entirely sure it would be popular, but that doesn't stop me from putting things on the menu. Only one child did not care for the scallops and I think a different child didn't care for the candied walnuts. It was a far better outcome than I had expected. R., it turns out, adores scallops and happily ate any that were going begging. 


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