Happy Valentine's Day

We don't do a whole lot for Valentine's Day as a rule. Some years I may get everyone a small treat, but not always. J. and I pretty much ignore it between ourselves. It's kind of a non-holiday holiday for us. 

But H. has been working diligently on something for about a week now. I had no idea what she was up to, but at one point she needed J.'s help on her special project (her term). 

Well, this morning she presented me with this.

It hangs, though I didn't get a photo of the bolt it's hanging from. That was the bit she had needed help with. 

It has three dimensional hearts and beads.

And I love had she made the circle of hearts curved downwards.

I was kind of gobsmacked by it. She planned and made this all on her own over the course of many days. I love watching the artist inside her bloom. It is quite possibly one of the nicest Valentine's Day gifts I have ever received. 


Anonymous said…
What a beautiful piece of art

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