Winter chores

For the next few days we're going to be in sub-zero or single digit temperatures. It's not my favorite, but with the right clothes it's actually not horrible. But the past couple of days highlight for me how completely turned around my life is now compared to before we moved. 

Before winter was spent pretty much sitting around, trying to avoid going outside as much as possible. It was very sedentary. Warmer temperatures were when I got outside and moved and was more active. 

Now? Winter involved just a lot of physical exertion especially when it's very snowy or very cold or, such as right now, both. Every outdoor job just takes more effort in the cold and snow. For the past two days I've spent time shoveling out the barn door so I can open it, shoveling a path for the wheelbarrow to the muck pile, pushing the wheelbarrow through the rather insufficient shoveled path to the muck pile, hauling by buckets of water from the house, blanketing nutty horses, and carrying around hay to name a few. I routinely break into a sweat even when the temperatures are extremely cold. It's a lot of work. 

I've written before how having to be outside in the winter has nearly completely erased my rather extreme seasonal affective disorder. But I think it is this physical exertion is another piece of this change. 

I rarely look forward to going out in the cold, but outside animals need to be cared for even in rotten weather. I may not want to go, but I am always glad I did because I always feel better for having done so. Always. 

And being able to carry a fifty pound bag of horse feed from the house to the barn without needing to stop and rest is also a nice byproduct. 


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