Weekly update - January 26, 2024

I'm not sure this is going to be very long this week as much of my time and energy has been taken up with Vienna. 
  • Number of vet calls for Vienna this past week - 2
  • Number of times we've found Vienna down in her stall and couldn't/wouldn't get up -2. One of these times I needed an emergency vet visit because I was the only adult home. The other was last night and it took J. and I am hour getting her back up. 
  • It is impossible to lift a 650+ pound pony to her feet if she is on a hunger strike about her new food.
  • I made the call that we needed to change Vienna's food much more slowly to avoid her deciding she was just going to lay down and die. This has helped... a bit.
  • Number of days I skipped doing school because I was in the barn with Vienna - 2
  • I might have suggested that we need to get a mini so that Vienna would have a companion as she gets well. Because that makes financial sense. Not. 
  • Don't worry, no mini will be acquired. 
  • I'm not sure there is really any non-Vienna news... The new hens are beginning to lay eggs. See that blue one? At least one of the Easter Eggers have started to lay.

  • I did some business networking today. I think it may be a beneficial contact, but good golly I find networking exhausting.
  • Everything is very, very soggy. 
  • It is just above freezing, so not warm, but definitely warmer than it had been. I find I've been wearing outerwear that I would normally wear in the 50's because it feels so comparatively warm. 
And that's about all I have. It gives you a good idea of how the week has felt. 


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