Weekly update - December 29, 23

Greetings from my favorite week of the entire year!
  • It seems we decided to celebrate this year by having two major car repairs back to back. If only the checkbook had decided to celebrate as well by miraculously adding in money. But it didn't. Stressed about money? Me? I don't have any idea what you're talking about. 
  • Because the cars tend to stop running while I'm driving them, I may be developing a bit of a complex and an wondering if I am a car jinx.
  • Y. taught herself to crochet today. 
  • I am so tired of the mud.
  • K.'s big news from today is that he has his driver's permit! I'm proud of him for being diligent and continuing to work on learning the material so he could pass the written test. 

  • I listened to a really interesting YouTube conversation earlier this week myth busting the idea that before modern times people never bathed and stank. (It was done by Bernadette Banner if you are familiar with her.) What I found most interesting was the idea that the fabrics people wore helped them to stay clean. They referenced the historian Ruth Goodman and now I have about five books of hers on hold. I'll link to the video I watched in case you're interested.

  • The only downside to this week between Christmas and New Year's is that the interlibrary loan system seems to be much, much slower and I find it difficult to wait for books to arrive. The ones I was hoping would arrive today didn't, and now it will be at least Tuesday before they will get here. I know... if this is the least of my problems...
  • A week or so ago, a blog reader commented that she wished I did a Patreon or a Substance. Is this something others are interested in? If so, what would you hope to see/read? I will tell you up front that my video skills are even more pathetic than my photography skills (if you can imagine). I also have zero desire to do any editing. Heck, I can't even bother to proofread my blog posts, instead relying on family members to point out the more bizarre errors. I'm not sure Patreon would be a good fit in that regard. Anyway, if you have an opinion one way or the other, let me know. 
  • L. continues to improve on her pottery skills. This one is from this morning. 

  • I'm kind of sad that tomorrow is Saturday. I think it would take a long time before I got tired of having days of free time. I'm very good at making use of free time. Regular life in January is going to be a challenge at first. 


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