
I just got back from a committee meeting at church where we are starting an inclusion ministry.  Committee meetings are a lot of peopling so I'm done in. 

But it's good this will be short because I have an assignment for you. I want you to listen to this keynote address on inclusion. It's about an hour, so put it on in your car as you're doing all your driving. It is well worth the effort and time and one of the best things I've heard about inclusion and disability. Even if you don't have someone in your life with a disability.... particularly if you don't have someone in your life with a disability listen to this. We can all do better. We can all do small things lots of the time. It adds up and before you know it, we've changed the world. 


LG said…
Our church (Covenant Presbyterian Church, Columbus, Ohio) recently concluded a Welcoming and Inclusion Task Force. It took about a year, but we approved the statement below. We are a PC(USA) congregation. Please let me know if I can provide any further information.

--Linda Gabel

Covenant Presbyterian Church Welcome Statement
The people of Covenant Presbyterian Church are striving to provide a loving welcome for all God’s children into the full life and leadership of our church. We welcome you just as you are:
• Whatever your race, ethnicity or heritage;
• Whether you are married, divorced, widowed, in a relationship or single;
• Whatever your gender identity or sexual orientation;
• Whether you have spent a night in prison, or have never gotten a parking ticket;
• Whether you are a boisterous child, an inquisitive teen, or a reflection adult;
• Whether you are able-bodied, disabled, or somewhere in between;
• Whether you are conservative, liberal or done with such labels;
• Or whether your belief is strong, wavering or non-existent.

And if you don’t find yourself on this list, know that you are welcome, too, because God’s love is for everyone.

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