Fiber Monday - So much I can't show

I've been making things, but because they are Christmas gifts, I can't share them with you yet. 

I did finish the band I was weaving on my new inkle loom. Here is a close-up.

I'm pretty happy with the selvedges, especially for a first attempt. And the whole band. 

I wove probably two-thirds of this. It was quick and pretty easy. I now want to warp an actual pattern, but that is going to need to wait until after Christmas. 

I am nearly done with all the gifts I'm making. But one of the big things still left to do is making fabric squares for wrapping gifts. I'm always bothered by the gift wrap waste at Christmas even though I reuse as much as I can (boxes, bags, bows, tissue paper). I came across a YouTube video the other day of someone wrapping gifts in pieces of fabric. It looked nice and was reusable. It also looked faster and easier than wrapping with paper. 

In my stash I have a ridiculous amount of Christmas fabric. So my plan is to serge the edges and see about turning it into something useful. Of course, initially, it won't be faster than paper because there will be sewing and measuring and cutting involved. But my dream is that this investment of time means that in future years, wrapping will be fast and easy... and reusable. 

All the fabric is going to have to be serged in black, though, because I truly don't have the bandwidth for rethreading my server this week to a more festive color. 


CaitJoy said…
I love reading your blog. But I’ve fallen off the blog reading wagon - as most people have. Would you consider a weekly email newsletter?? Through Substack or Patreon?
I would read that and I’m sure many of your old readers would prefer the new format. Even if you just took the current content and repurposed it?

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