Pressing question

I want to discuss something vitally important this evening. With all the dire news and pressing issues that fill the news, what could this subject be? I'll tell you...

How one goes about putting groceries on the check-out belt. 

This topic comes to mind because last week, yet again, I was complimented by the checker on the orderliness of my groceries. This has become a thing.

I always put the heaviest things on the belt first, slowly working my way down to the more squishable items. It's just common sense. When I shopped at stores where someone else did the bagging, I didn't want bread to end up being crushed by a bag of flour. At Aldi, some checkers move so fast that they don't pay much attention to what is dropped onto what as the groceries are flung into the cart. I guess I just assumed that everyone does this, if solely for protecting the groceries. 

I guess I'm unusual. So unusual that I have checkers who remember me and Magda a point to thank me for my organization. This paid off when I was in line with an unusually large amount of food right before lock down. I was getting some grief about the amount from other shoppers, when the checker announced that I always bought that much. It was nice to be defended, though it was more food than I usually buy.

When it happened again in a completely different store that I only shop at infrequently, it made me think this is more than one nice checker. So how do you put your groceries on the belt? I'm really curious. 


Cathy said…
I always put all my items together like this.. large heavy items, boxed items, jarred items, can goods, cold items, fresh produce, and squishy stuff last. 😁
shambeda said…
That is how my mom taught me to load the conveyer. When I bag my own groceries, I even take it a step further and bag by the location they're kept in my house. Aldi has those nice big platforms that hold four of my box/bags. I love when I can take one to the cupboard or pantry and just unload them right where everything belongs.
Anonymous said…
Grocery shopping with 5 children 12 and under is always a bit of a circus and usually the kids or I are just trying to load the belt before the cashier needs the cart. I’m not an organized belt loader, more so just feel like I’m trying to survive ��

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