Back to school

Well, D. is at least. J. took the weekend to drive D. to school. D. starts his junior year as a bio-chem major this year. 

J. was able to spend Saturday night catching up with college friends and drove home today.

The rest of us did our usual things. We also did a big library trip followed by a treat to pick up some donuts for teatime.

We finally finished Storm, which turned out to be a rather depressing slog. (As a small piece of trivia, Disney turned it into an episode called A Storm Called Maria, which you can't find anywhere now. It was also the book that was credited for the phenomenon of naming storms.) I was pretty much done with the author's exceedingly make focus. The very few women who appeared in it were pretty much window dressing. You can ask my children, as we progressed in the book my brief asides to comment on what we were reading grew more frequent and more tetchy.

I thought we all needed something fun to read next as a sort of palate cleanser. We are now reading Dead Ernest by Alice Tilton. This series of mysterious were written in the late 30's/early 40's and while they, too, are a product of their time, they are fun. Actually, they are pure farce and we laugh our way through them. It is a good way to spend the rest of the summer before we dive into the Renaissance.


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