An unexpected use of a shoelace

This morning, as I'm working on the photocopying I need to do for the school year, L. comes blowing through asking me if I had a shoelace. It seemed fairly urgent, but I couldn't think of any off hand. Y. then mentions there's a pair in the worn out sneakers she's throwing out, so the two of them head off to retrieve the shoelaces.

All is quiet again for a while until L. blows through again. "I made a slingshot and have figured out when to release it to get the rock to fly and I might have hit the trailer well I actually hit the trailer but it's only a little dent. Bye!" 

And so begins L.'s newest past time... having made a slingshot is now learning how to use it. This is the style where you swing it around and release one end which then launches the projectile. Life is never dull.


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