A day of small frustrations

Any one of these things would have been an annoying blip in the day, it was their cumulative nature that had me pretty done in by the end.

I did the grocery shopping in the morning. I don't know what is going on with Aldi, but there was more food on the shelves during the worst of Covid than there has been the last several weeks. I've shopped at Aldi a long time and have a pretty good idea of what I can count on finding there, but not now. Today I would say I couldn't get a sixth of my list. These were not unusual items, they are things I buy every week... or try to. When I ask the checker I'm just told they are having warehouse problems or supply chain problems or something. It seems to me having food on your shelves if you are a grocery store would be a pretty important to do item to tick off. So, that was annoyance number 1. Annoyance number 1- B will be when I have to go to a more expensive store to buy the things I still need. Another grocery trip, more money... Blech.

After a quick lunch after the grocery store I needed to take a child to an activity that was supposed to be forty minutes, tops. I brought a book to read because it wasn't worth driving back and forth. Or wouldn't have been if it has been forty minutes instead of and hour and twenty minutes. I would have brought a second book.

Home again and I had a few minutes before tea time, so thought I would call to schedule some doctor appointments for various children. Twenty minutes into the hour and forty-five minutes extravaganza I realized why I had been putting it off. After talking with four different people, being put on hold five times, and confirming my address an infinite number of times, I have the needed appointments scheduled. They were just basic annual physical type things, not even something unusual or at a specialist. Why does healthcare have to be so hard?

But wait, there's more. Tonight was D&D night, so I got H. and R. set-up with their dinner and a movie and went upstairs to do some sewing as an antidote to the day. All was going well. I was three seams from being able to try on the new version of the T-shirt when I realized the serger had stopped sewing halfway through a seam. It had come unthreaded. If you own a serger, you will understand exactly how much of a cherry on the top this was. After four separate attempts and finally getting out the instructions (after a brief interlude of choosing not to burst into tears and looking up prices of self-threading sergers) I got it threaded and finished the seam where it had stopped working. (It looks like garbage and I had to force myself not to throw it away and cut out fabric for a third attempt.)

It was a lot.

The day was not a total loss. The sky was blue with puffy clouds and a high of 74°. The grocery bill (for the moment) was significantly less than usual. I had a chance to finish the mystery I was reading in the middle of the day. The woman who finally helped me schedule appointments was very nice and was able to get my what I needed. And a new Handwoven magazine was in the mailbox which I happily looked through while I ate my dinner. 

Here's to hoping tomorrow is less frustrating.


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