Weekly update - July 28, 23

I'll dive right in.
  • No one is happy with the heat and humidity, especially the horses. They have chosen to stand in their stalls the majority of the past several days. I've left the dry lot gates open and they have been doing a lot of grazing at night when it is cooler. J. also rigged up a mister system for them to cool off when they feel the need. I even saw Emmy, the horse who doesn't like water sprayed on her, using it.
  • As a fun activity for a day when no one can be outside, J. and I decided to take everyone to see Barbie. (J. has Fridays off in the summer.) We all really liked it. It's the rare movie these days that can appeal to everyone at home, so I appreciated it for that as well. It is beyond me why it was given a PG-13 rating. The one swear word was bleeped out. Maybe it was because of the construction workers being gross to Barbie? If so, it kind of proves the point of the movie. 
  • My children were surprised that I was the one who suggested everyone going to see it. In general, I'm not a huge movie fan. But I heard an interview on NPR earlier this week with the Indigo Girls, whose song was used in it. It was a good interview and actually piqued my interest. Plus, I like to keep everyone on their toes as to what I'm going to do. I don't really like being predictable.
  • Y. had a tragedy happen earlier this week. Through a series of unfortunate events, Mist, the blue parakeet, escaped outside. We keep hoping she'll turn back up, but so far that hasn't happened.
  • You'll be happy to know Aster does not smell like a skunk any longer.
  • Cerberus, however is still as barky as ever.
  • We had both TM and D. here for dinner yesterday and P. was here this evening. I love having adult children randomly drop in.
  • We were out of a lot of Asian food ingredients, so I made a stock up run this morning. All I have to say is high grocery prices are everywhere, because yikes! We are set for another couple of months now.
  • The baby chicks are getting bigger and are definitely loosing their fluff on their wings. They are also much faster and and more difficult to catch than when they were tiny.
  • Nefertiti, like all cats, likes to find slightly too small boxes to sit in.

And her as a cat loaf.

  • In September, the Athena Herd Foundation will be here at Bittersweet Farm to hold a certificate course in equine facilitated interactions. This would be an introductory course for anyone who is interested in pursuing this work.

  • K. continues to enjoy working at his first job. He is really enjoying getting paid.
  • July is almost over and that means I have to start my annual dithering about planning school for the fall. 
And with that, I can't think of anything else that is of note to share. I'm going to enjoy the thunderstorm that is going on while hoping it brings the promised cooler weather and that our power stays on.


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