Weekly update - June 2, 2023

It's been a really long time since I've done one of these, hasn't it?
  • I'm happy to report that everyone at home survived just fine in my absence. J. is a completely competent parent and life continued on as normal (or what passes for normal). I am thankful to have a husband who says, "What a fantastic opportunity! Go to England for ten days. We'll be fine."
  • What I find most amazing is that R. was fine. We spent some time before I left talking about how I would go, Daddy would be home, and I would come back. And that was it. No seizures, no psychosis, no sleepless nights. It feels a bit of a miracle given the past seven years.
  • B., D., and J. even finished planting the garden. 
  • If we're on to gardens, I have to admit that I am not good at weeding. Actually that makes it sound as though I try, but am not successful. The real problem is that I don't even really try. I'm great at gardening during the months of April and May, but once warmer weather hits, I'm done. The plants are in their own.
  • If you ever have occasion to fly through Reykjavik, even if you are just staying in the airport, be sure you have a warm sweater with you. Both times I've been through that airport now, at least once each visit we had to climb stairs either into or out of the plane. Do not assume there will be a jetway. The last time it was 50° and rainy. Everyone moved very quickly to the waiting bus which carried us to the airport proper.
  • I think I might be on the tail end of jetlag. The first night I woke up, wide awake at 4am. The next night was 5am, followed by 6am. Last night I was sure I had slept until my alarm, but no. Maybe tonight.
  • On Sunday K. and Y. leave to go on a mission trip with our church's high school youth group. It will be very odd to have them gone for a week. 
  • At the Gatwick airport I had some time to kill so wandered through the stores which was how I discovered a book store. There were so many books I hadn't heard of that looked interesting, but I stopped at three which madey bag significantly heavier. I chose one to start and ended up reading a 400+ page book during my day of travel. It was an interesting take on the mystery genre. It's The Appeal by Janice Hallett. The whole mystery is epistolary, but instead of written letters it's all texts and emails. I'm a sucker for epistolary novels. 
  • If you are local to me, tomorrow is the Fox River Arts Ramble at Find Line Creative Arts Center. There will be art demonstrations, an arts fair, good trucks, bands, and the art gallery will be open with the current student show. It's 10 to 4. If you come by you can see me demonstrating either weaving or spinning and see my parts of the student art show. Come say hi if you do stop by.
  • I have spent a large chuck of the day working on business stuff... content for the corporate leadership website I'm working on, sending emails, trying to contact potential clients. I find this part of life totally enervating; I don't enjoy it.
  • Oh, one last thing from my trip... Gatwick airport has the most efficient and friendly security set-up that I've ever experienced. It was almost a pleasant experience. I wasn't the only one who thought so. As I was thinking how impressed I was, I heard another woman go up to a security worker and compliment him on how easy and organized it all was. When was the last time you heard someone compliment anything regarding to passing through security? 
  • And I'll close here. I may be waking up a bit later each day, but I'm still getting tired a little earlier in the evening than usual.


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