32 years

Today was our 32nd wedding anniversary. So how did we celebrate? Well, to start with, when I went out to the barn, Bristol was off. She didn't look right, and my first thought was that she was clicking. On closer examination, I realized she was completely lame on one leg and her fetlock was extremely swollen and painful. (I blame Emmy.) Not good. Horse injuries rarely work this way, but the vet was already scheduled to come for their annual vaccinations, so I gave Bristol some pain reliever and kept her in her stall.

I was doing my volunteer tutoring at church when I get a text from J. saying the vet was early and she's going to do x-rays because she was extremely careful concerned it was broken. This is not good. Even non-horsey people know a broken leg in a horse is a life-limiting diagnosis. I get home as fast as I can, even though every road between home and our church is under construction. I'll tell you the hamster in my head was exceedingly busy during that car ride.

By the time I make it home, the vet has x-rays to show me. No broken bones. I start breathing again. I do have a list of medicines to give her, and she will need to be on stall rest for a month, but she should be fine. I can do medicine and stall rest. She is a pretty miserable thing at the moment, though.

The complicating factor is that we are due to leave town to spend a week at the lake up in Michigan tomorrow. I spent some time talking with my house sitter and she's comfortable with what she needs to do. The vet also knows we'll be out of town and that we have a house sitter. I think I have things covered. 

The let down from the possible stress of losing Bristol did not help me feel terribly organized today. There is still a lot to do if we are getting out of here in a timely manner tomorrow. I think we'll all be waking up early.

J. and I did manage to have a very nice dinner out this evening. I can remember a very long time ago, when we had only been married a few years, we were out having dinner. Across the room an older couple was also having dinner. I became a little fixated with them because they didn't speak to each other the entire meal. I can remember making a mental note that I never wanted to end up at a point where I didn't have anything to say to my husband; that I wanted to be interested in things so that there was always something to discuss. I think that we have succeeded in this. 

Happy anniversary My Love. We've seen a lot, but we've gotten through the craziness together, and I have no doubt we'll get through the craziness that's yet to come. At least life isn't dull, right? 


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