Fiber Monday - Catching up

I didn't have anything to share last week because I just didn't get much chance to do much making. This week wasn't much better. So I have just a few things to share 

The biggest one is that I finished weaving what I had on the loom.

This is in a pile, but it's two dish towels in different patterns. I'll get them hemmed and washed this week then send them off to their intended recipients. 

This also means that I need to measure a new warp (correctly this time) so that I can finally weave the set of napkins and a third dish towel. Because it's going to use the exact same threading on the loom, I'm going to try to tie on my next warp so that I don't need to rethread. So before I cut off the finished pieces I looked up to see how that works. I'm glad I did, because it seems that weaving a bit to leave on the loom makes the whole process easier. So I did that.

(I don't think my flash went off.) This is the bit of weaving that I left on the loom.

And this shows why I want to try this. I really don't want to rethread each of these heddles again. 

I have also been playing around with how to create a display of some of my dyed wool. Fine Line is having a student art show, with students submitting work based on classes that they have taken. I want to submit something for the dye class I took. Here's what I have so far.

It's not done yet, and I'm hoping it will tell the story of dyed wool to yarn by the time I'm through. 

Speaking of dying. Remember my experiment I was trying with the lichen I found? Here's the result.

Underwhelming, huh? If you compare it to the undyed wool, it does have a teensy-weensy bit of color. It's not enough to make the process worthwhile, though. I'm glad I tried because now I can just leave all that lichen where it is on the burn pile. 

Finally, I had a package arrive today. I saw a post that someone was selling a selection of pin looms that they never used and didn't want asking people to maje an offer. So I did and it was accepted. It was a very, very good deal. I now have enough pin looms that students in my Sheep to Scarf class can use them during class time. They are very nice pin looms.

And that's it. This week is promising to be a little slower and I'm hoping I can get more time in my studio. 


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