
You know, sometimes there are things that I desperately want to write about, but because they feel so scary and hit so close to home, that I have absolutely no words to share. This is currently how I feel about anything having to do with the state of the nation about the LGBTQ+ community and specifically the trans community. 

What I will say is that this is hard, and frankly terrifying. 

How would you feel to know that a great number of people think your child shouldn't be allowed to have basic rights? How would you feel to know that a great number of people believe that your child is a danger to others?  How would you feel to have an increasing amount of hate directed at you and your child? 

No, really, stop and think what that would be like. Do you enjoy the feeling? I imagine you don't, because who would? 

Yet, there are a great many people out there, most frighteningly law makers who are playing God, who think it is just fine to demonize a whole people group. 

So if I have any readers left who might believe otherwise, every single time you denigrate a trans person I will hear you personally attacking the validity of my family and children. If you profess to love my family, I will absolutely not believe you. It is very difficult to believe a statement of love when the same mouth is spewing hate. 

And that whole "love the sinner but hate the sin" thing? Just don't even bother. All it makes you do is sound two faced, not willing to own up to your true feelings. Because there's plenty of sin no one hates, so it's not sin in general. It doesn't make you look good, either way. At least be honest.

I love Jesus, but I'll be honest there are a great many of his supposed followers that I struggle with and truly would rather not be associated with. Is this harsh? No, but it is truthful. I and my children have felt more condemnation from this particular group than from any other. 

If you truly want to love someone, then work for them to be allowed their humanity and to live without fear. Be an advocate. Be an ally. 

I guess I do have a few words.


Britta said…

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