Weekly update a little late

And it's Friday again.
  • This morning we took Y. and she picked out her parakeets. 
Meet Mist (blue) and Willow (green). They are both female parakeets.

By this evening they were starting to move around and investigate their cage a bit. Y. is very excited.
  • On Valentine's Day K. woke up and decided he would make cookies for everyone. So he did.

  • J. had a meeting on Valentine's Day. I fed the masses and then J. and I had salmon, green beans, and baked potatoes all by ourselves. Well, all by ourselves except for the children who would wander through the dining room and ask why we got the good food and they didn't. (I did a baked potato bar for them with multiple different toppings so it wasn't a horrible dinner. Don't feel too badly for them.)
  • The hens have not laid any eggs since the one I showed you.
  • Our co-op was cancelled due to the icy road conditions that were predicted. The weather never looked horrible but the sleet that fell all day did make any surface super slick. I was glad not to have to drive in it.
  • The day before I had tun by the library to pick up some books on hold. (Who am I kidding? I'm at the library nearly every day picking up books on hold.) I also picked up a stack of documentaries in case co-op was cancelled. The next day there was much documentary watching including one about insects as food.
  • Guess which documentary was the first one picked? The bug one, of course. It even beat out the Vikings. There were mixed reviews. Some people found it really interesting, K., however, walked by me at one point muttering he had lost his appetite.
  • I spent the day weaving which was lovely.
  • We watched The Princess Bride tonight. R. was cracking us up, shouting, "Ewww!" every time there was kissing. (She doesn't like people kissing, even her parents.) And when Buttercup first appears in her princess dress R. let's out an appreciative, "Wow!"


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