Signs of spring

We're nearly done with February and I am noticing small things that say spring is coming, winter won't last forever.

This morning in the barn when I was cleaning stalls I became aware of quite a bit of birdsong. I looked up and three or four male sparrows were singing their hearts out, sitting on posts that often hold bird nests. In the center of the barn we're two female sparrows, not singing, just listening. I don't know which birds paired up, but one already had a nest, so I think he was already chosen. 

The horses are starting to shed their winter coats.

It was light still at 6pm.

I did the evening barn chores without gloves on.

And after looking at the calendar realized I needed to get the seeds that take more than eight weeks to be ready to go outside going.

It was sunny today and I almost got warm enough while I was outside that I thought about taking off my coat. 

I realize we could still have some cold days, but it will be time to start preparing the gardens for the cold hardy seeds before I know it. 

I am very much looking forward to the world starting to green up again.


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