And the other's gold

For long time readers, you are extremely familiar with our good friends the H-S Family, The P Family and the W Family. For years these are the families that we did life with and they all appeared regularly on this blog. Until the H-S Family moved away and then we moved away. I think we are all still recovering from those seismic changes in our lives. But these are also friendships of the sort that allow us to pick up right where we left off regardless of how much time has passed, such as this afternoon when the moms were all able to spend a couple of hours together. 

For the newer readers here, you might not be as familiar with these very important people in the life of our family. So, I thought I'd do a quick search to see how many posts I could find where they featured. Be forewarned, it is not a small number. I might have made a passing child hyperventilate a bit at the number of tabs I had open on my computer to make it happen. 

Here is a quick trip down memory lane. I will try to put them in chronological order, but there are a lot of them, so I'm not sure how successful I will be. I also happen to know that I am missing quite a few as well as all the memories we made together that I didn't document on the blog. (It happens.) 












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