Happy, happy, happy

Today was our first real appointment with the new neurologist. I'm happy to report I liked him just as much today as I did in the hospital. Rarely have I had a doctor listen so well, take me so seriously, and then have some sort of plan. Usually it is one or two of these things at a time, but very rarely all three. Having a plan is awesome. While he was outlining some different scenarios and what he plans to do about them I could feel huge amounts of tension leave my body. 

We have a plan to help R., people! A plan that involves medication for an actual physical issue. Words cannot even describe how that feels after seven plus years of living with a child in distress and no one having any idea how to help or even what was wrong. The plan was always to send us to another doctor who would then send us to another doctor. Here we go 'round the mulberry bush. 

I mentioned that sleeping was still a bit difficult and the consistent awaking between 3 and 4 am. He asked some questions, said, "Hmm, sounds like seizures. Let's do this with the medicine." And more tension left my body.

At no time did I have to justify our use of the medication given to us. When I had to renew it last week, I realized a spent a couple of days working up to it because the last time I needed to renew this medicine, it involved a lot of arguing and eventually paying out of pocket. I called it in and then waited for the seemingly inevitable phone call to explain why we needed it. But it never came. The next thing I know, a text arrives telling me the prescription is ready to be picked up.

So not only did we tackle the sleeping and the prescriptions, he also helped us to navigate which doctors we still need to see and which we do not have to bother with anymore. I spent a little time this afternoon (happily) cancelling appointments. 

Finally, the icing on the cake, the cherry on the ice cream is that his office is fifteen minutes away from us. That would be with traffic and a stop light. Our previous neurologist was an hour and a half away... one way. 

I am so grateful and relieved and thankful.


Alison in VT said…
What a day of joyous victories for R and you! ♥️
Jennifer said…
Huge! Life altering and I can feel your relief. Good for all of you!!

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